by Donna Leon, Atlantic Monthly Press, October 2012
a story that is in no way riveting and very slow to develop

In this book Donna Leon leaves behind her highly successful
Commisario Brunetti detective series for a standalone novel. Dotoressa Caterina Pelligrini is a native
Venetian who has left Venice to study and work in both Germany and
England. Her field of expertise is
baroque opera. She is lured back to her
beloved Venice with a strange temporary job.
Two cousins have inherited two trunks from a long dead 17th
century ancestor Steffani. Steffani was
a mysterious figure who composed baroque operas and worked for the Catholic
Church in Germany during the Reformation.
Caterina is hired to translate the papers and determine if the
inheritance should go preferentially to one of the cousins. The inheritance itself is somewhat of a
mystery that isn’t revealed until the conclusion of the story.
Unfortunately that is the full extent of this story. There really is little or no suspense in the
telling. There is lots of discussion of a
murder that occurred in the long ago past.
There is lots of description of what constitutes research as performed
by a classical scholar. There is
discussion of baroque opera and of religion.
The operative word here is discussion, there is not much action. The best parts of this story are when Caterina
interacts with her family – a sister who is a religious and a brother in law
who assists her when she is mildly threatened for her work. As always with Leon the descriptions of
Venice are excellent and one of the things that draw me to her books. The story is liberally sprinkled with Italian
phrases that are not translated. While
this gives great color to the story I can imagine it would annoy readers who do
not have basic Italian language skills.
I did think the author was remiss in not annotating at the end of the
story which parts were based on true historical figures and which were
not. I do read this type of book for the
history so it would be nice to know what parts were true and what were fiction.
So in summary I’d say read this book for the characters and
the atmosphere and be prepared for a story that is in no way riveting and slow
to develop. My hope is that Leon returns
quickly to the much loved Brunetti series.
I read a copy of this novel provided by the publisher.
1 comment:
I am not sure that I would like this one, especially because you felt that it was a little laborious and dry. I am glad for your input on this one, as I hadn't seen it around, and had no clue what the story was on it. Very balanced and fair review!
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